How to fix a 301 redirect issue in Google Search Console

Kev Lozano
1 min readAug 2, 2023
Google Search Console

Hi, I recently started a blog ( and when adding the property to Google Search Console I ran into a bunch of redirect issues, so I thought I would share how I fixed them.

First some context. I bought the domain using GoDaddy, the blog is using WordPress, I successfully connected the domain to the site. Then I added the property to the Search Console. Days and weeks later none of the pages on the blog were indexed and even the main page was having a redirect 301 issue.

After a lot of research and asking WordPress, chatgpt, and google I couldn’t understand why. When going to I saw in the devtools that there was a 301 redirect to I tried to fix that redirect with no luck.

So what was the solution? Honestly, it's so dumb but I’m sure someone is going to have the same issue one day. I just readded the site to Google Search Console but without the “www” 🤦🏻‍♂️.

So that was it, I initially added the site to Google Search Console using “www”, but you can just add it as “”, this will fix your initial redirect issue on Google.

